Wednesday 12 September 2012


I am currently on a graphic design course and in the second year of the course but am beginning to start thinking about my progression after the course. I have been considering a gap year as i would like to explore more of my options and also become more financially stable in the process, i am looking to have a steady job and a good income.

i have been looking at bournemouth university mostly as i am determined to become an illustrator and they have the best course to offer and i think it applies to my strengths. i am not looking to apply there just yet as i want to become better at my skills and be more comfortable, i am thinking of attending university when im a mature student and around 21 years old as i feel i need to experience the pressures of work before i can fully commit to university.

This link is for the arts university college bournemouth.

This is another link to a illustration course at bristol university.

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